Go Donald Trump!

I never liked Donald Trump. I still don’t like Donald Trump. I doubt that I will ever like Donald Trump. But I sure like what he is saying. Democrats, establishment Republicans, and the mainstream media are all petrified. Except for Ted Cruz, whom the media

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SCOTUS Strikes Again

Once again the Supreme Court of the United States has ignored the Constitution and made a ruling based on political expediency. Six justices are of the opinion that the clear words written by legislators about limiting Obamacare subsidies are not what they really meant, and

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Look Out Cuba!

Camouflage your banks and cover up all your ’57 Fords. Then ‘pack up the babies and hide the old ladies’. A delegation from the Florida Bar Association is coming to Cuba! So folks, if you have some idea that you would like to see Cuba

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Marriage’s Last Stand

The battle continues over gay marriage. Proponents of traditional marriage are down to the last few brave souls defending freedom of religion, the democratic process, and the right of a child to have both a mother and a father. After a puffed up federal judge

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Competition From Tax Dollars

The following letter to the editor was printed in the Key West Citizen on Sunday, April 26, 2015. It is referencing Monroe County’s proposed purchase of a fish house to compete with my own, Stock Island Lobster Co. Editor – Key West Citizen Flush with

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Continuing War on Governor Scott

One thing we have to give liberals and their partners in the media credit for is persistence. Governor Rick Scott has done everything right for the State of Florida, but that means nothing to the rabid public employee unions and the Miami Herald. No matter

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Get What You Vote For?

Disappointment usually comes quick and hard when we send people to Washington to represent us. Supporting any candidate is a crap shoot in which the odds of getting what you think you voted for are about a thousand to one. I rarely agree with President

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Republican Majority Update 1

Well, let’s have a quick look at how citizen Bacle is making out with the new Republican majority he helped elect. Foreign Affairs: ISIS continues to expand. A Christian holocaust is taking place in the Middle East. Russia is now openly taking over Ukraine. Iran

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Christian Holocaust

As I write, Christians across the Middle East are being annihilated with beheadings and other sick forms of abuse and murder that are unimaginable to civilized human beings. Though the killers are systematically carrying out this jihad against Christians in the name of Allah, our

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Christians vs Muslims

Did you ever wonder why liberals are always attacking Christians, but never voice the slightest criticism against Muslims? Women are treated like personal property by Muslim men. They are not allowed to show their face in public, drive, vote, talk to men, or defend themselves

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